Azareal Turns Against BDT!
The match between BDT and Jackson for the DDI Championship was about to take place when Azareal joined the commentary table and watched. After a brutal, career shortening match up, BDT seemed to have the upper hand, until Azareal jumped onto the apron and chokeslammed BDT through said announcer's table while the referee was distracted by an injured Jackson. Soon after, the referee counted to 10, giving Jackson reign to the DDI Championship. Shortly after, Azareal would continue his assault. The status of BDT's health is still unknown. We will update you as the story unfolds.
The Stage is Set!
After declaring his desire to rise to the top of the DDI, Luis demanded an opponent worthy of a challenge. Shortly after, Shade came out and issued a challenge in the form of a Ladder Match for the DDI Hardcore Championship! Will Luis rise up among the ranks of Champions?
Sayo Nara Is Here!
He's finally arrived! The monstrous Sayo Nara made his debut here in DDI at the expense of Raforim and Adrian during their match! Also, he was accompanied by the man known as Grand Master Yan Fuji, who claims that BDT was once his disciple. What is the relationship between these two mysterious characters?
Dream Team Disbanded!
It's official. Jerry has disbanded Dream Team Inc, stating that being in Dream Team Inc has only been holding him back. His desire to rise to the top of the ladder, as he alluded to while sitting on an actual ladder, has driven him to break the bond he had with his former Tag Team partner. What will develop from this split, and will Jerry be able to get to the top of the DDI?